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Partial Reopening - Provisional Schedule for Returns

Dear Parents,


We have been preparing school for the partial reopening, which will take place after half term.

A more detailed letter outlining key information for parents regarding the reopening will follow during the half term break, but please find below our provisional scheduling for the return of certain classes to school.

Children of Key Workers

We will be open every day, Monday to Friday, for the children of Key Workers, from Monday 1st June onwards.


Children with a Social Worker or with a current EHCP

We will make arrangements directly with parents of these children.


Children in YR, Y1 and Y6

We will reintroduce these children in priority order, based on the capacity of the staff and premises to keep them safe. The priority order is as follows: Reception Class, then Year 1, then Year 6.

For these whole-class groups, we will be open from Monday to Thursday.

Only Key Worker children will be in school on Fridays.


The anticipated timings for the classes’ return to school are as follows:

w/c 1st June:

This will be a ‘trial’ week for us, to ensure our procedures are effective for keeping children and staff safe. The school will be open for Reception Class children only, for three days: Tuesday 2nd June to Thursday 4th June.

(Key Worker children will be in school all week as needed, from Monday 1st to Friday 5th.)


w/c 8th June:

We will be open from Monday to Thursday this week for children in Reception Class and Year 1, and hopefully for one group of Year 6 pupils as well.

We have planned to supervise the Reception and Year 1 children in ‘bubbles’ of 8 children, which significantly stretches our staff capacity, so we will only be able to confirm how many Year 6 pupils we can safely supervise each week once we have more definite numbers for Key Worker children and those in Reception and Year 1. This means that we will be dividing the Y6 cohort into groups that we hope to be able to invite into school on a weekly rota, so that all pupils will have some time with their peers.


w/c 15th June (and beyond, subject to changes in guidance for schools):

We expect arrangements to be the same as in the previous week, namely opening from Monday to Thursday, for Reception, Year 1 and hopefully for the next group of Year 6 pupils, too. Key Worker children will continue to come in for all five days.


Please be aware that will not be able to guarantee these arrangements. For example, higher numbers of Key Worker children, or unexpected staff absences, could leave us without the capacity to accommodate Y6 children, or possibly even some Y1 children. The teaching staff are committed to helping as many children as possible to return safely.  


Planning for numbers

Thank you to all of you with children in YR, Y1 and Y6 who completed the previous survey, to tell us your initial thoughts about your children returning. We now need more concrete numbers, to aid us in our planning. If you have a child in these classes, you will receive a link for another survey very soon, and we would again appreciate a swift reply.


If you are a key worker with a child in Year 2, 3, 4 or 5 we will be sending a separate email explaining how you will be able to request a place.


If you are not a key worker, and have a child in Year 2, 3, 4 or 5, we will contact you regarding your child’s return to school once we have received guidance from the government or the local authority.


Thank you for your continued support.


Darren Stanley
