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Term Dates

Term Dates for Children to Attend in 2023-2024

Term 1 (Autumn Term First Half)

Friday 1st September - Friday 20th October


Term 2 (Autumn Term Second Half)

Monday 30th October - Friday 15th December


Term 3 (Spring Term First Half)

Tuesday 2nd January - Friday 9th February


Term 4 (Spring Term Second Half)

Monday 19th February  - Thursday 28th March


Term 5 (Summer Term First Half)

Monday 15th April - Friday 24th May


Term 6 (Summer Term Second Half)

Monday 3rd June - Tuesday 23rd July



The school allocates five INSET days per academic year.

Children do not attend on these days:

The five INSET days for 2023-24 are as follows:

Friday 1st September

Monday 4th September

Monday 30th October

Monday 19th February

Friday 24th May 

