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At Manorbrook Primary School we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for pupils, students, staff, governors, volunteers and visitors and to promoting a climate where children, young people and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns which they may have about their own safety or the well–being of others. We aim to create a culture of vigilance to safeguard our children.


In order to keep every child safe at our school, we work together to do the following:


We strive to prevent harm through the development of a positive school ethos, a safe school environment and through the offer of pastoral support to pupils and their families. Our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience underpin our curriculum and inform discussions around personal safety and the prevention and avoidance of harm.


We use robust school child protection procedures for identifying and reporting cases (or suspected cases) of abuse or other child protection concerns; there are three Designated Safeguarding Leads in the school (Darren Stanley the headteacher is the DSL; the two deputy heads, Angela Tipping and Elaine Drayton, are the Deputy DSLs), to ensure all concerns can be addressed without delay. All staff are trained in how to identify the signs of child abuse, and in the procedures for recording and reporting their concerns.


We provide support for pupils who may have anxieties and concerns, or have suffered significant harm, and their families; this might be through use of a parent-link TA or by making a referral to the most appropriate support agency.


We recruit staff in line with the Safer Recruitment Guidance provided in Part 3 of Keeping Children Safe in Education. Staff are regularly trained in safeguarding and child protection matters. Key safety information is read annually. This includes the annually revised version of Keeping Children Safe in Education, along with the School Safeguarding Policy, Risk Assessments, the Acceptable use of IT policy and the Staff Code of Conduct.


If you need to share a safeguarding concern, please email . Your concerns will be forwarded immediately to the DSL.


For further details about our safeguarding procedures, please read our safeguarding policy, which can be found in the ‘Key Information’ section of the website, under ‘Policies and Statutory Information’.

Useful Safeguarding Contacts and Links


Access and  Response Team – 01454 86 6000 (during working hours)

Emergency duty team – 01454 615165 (out of hours)

Police – 101 for non-urgent issues & 999 if urgent and an immediate response is needed

Domestic Abuse Concerns - Next Link South Glos domestic abuse telephone help lines are open 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am – 1:00pm on Saturday 0800 4700 280


Mental health support - CAMHS (if young person is currently under CAMHS) – 01454 862431 or if you are concerned that you are not able to keep your child safe or they are not able to keep themselves safe then take them to the Accident & Emergency department at Bristol Children’s hospital or call for an ambulance.

Mental health apps approved by NHS -


Food banks links for families living in South Glos


Food banks links for families living in Bristol


Parents worried about exploitation - or for confidential help and advice, call Pace on 0113 240 5226


CHILDLINE – 0800 1111 or visit their website


Samaritans – 116 123

