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School Council

How the School Council Works

​The School Council has 18 - 22 members. We meet once a month, at lunchtime, in the MOSC.

We hear and discuss pupil views and are sometimes able to make decisions.

The School Council consists of:

Two representatives from each class (YR join us later in the year) who share the views of their class.

The House Captains and the Vice-House Captains (Y6). They take it in turns to run the meetings.  In order to run the meeting efficiently there is:

  • A Chairperson who is in charge of the Agenda, collecting everyone's views and keeping order!


  • A Secretary who keeps the Minutes and records in detail what has been discussed and any decisions made.


  • A Time Keeper who makes sure we do not spend too long on one item and also that we start and finish on time!

A representative from the teaching staff who is there to listen to pupil views on an issue surrounding the subject they lead in school.

A representative from the Teaching Assistant team

A representative from the Lunchtime Supervisory team

And Mrs Payne, who oversees everything and makes sure School Council's discussions and decisions are fed back to the school community. She books in the meetings and types up the Minutes. 
