Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
The government believes that it is socially unacceptable for children’s success to be determined by their social circumstances and is working to raise the levels of achievement for all disadvantaged pupils, closing the gap between them and their peers. Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of qualifying pupils. Schools can then decide how it is spent, as they are best placed to assess the needs of the individuals within their care.
Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 and has been traditionally linked to those pupils who benefit from free school meals but it also includes children from service families, those adopted from care and looked after pupils. Additional funding for pupils can bring wide ranging benefits but it is most specifically aimed at closing the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils. With the introduction of free school meals for all pupils in KS1 there has been a notable drop in applications for funding, and schools have needed to become more involved with the identification of eligible pupils. For more information about who qualifies for funding, and for help with applying online, please click the link below:
Alternatively, you can ring the contact centre on 01454 868008 or contact Mrs Clare or Mrs Bowden in the school office: 01454 867225.
As there are many benefits for pupils, outside of school meal provision, we would strongly urge any parents who are unsure (especially those with children in KS1) to check this out. You can also enquire at the school office if you are still unsure and feel your child may qualify or you need help with your application.