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Class Teachers and Transition Arrangements for September

Class Teachers for 2020 – 2021, and Transition Arrangements


Dear Parents,


I am writing to let you know who your child’s class teacher/s will be in September. You will notice that a number of teachers are changing year group next year. However, whether they are changing class or remaining in the same year group, I know all the teachers are looking forward immensely to working with their new pupils next year.



2020-21 Teachers


Ms Bevan


Mrs Roberts & Mrs Ocone


Mrs Haines


Miss Drayton


Mrs Tipping & Mrs Payne


Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Hill


Mr Williams


Transition arrangements


At this time of year, children would normally enjoy a ‘transition morning’ to meet their new teacher and get a feel for their new classroom. As I am sure you will appreciate, moving class-size groups into rooms for single ‘taster’ sessions is simply not an option for us at the moment, given the anti-COVID measures in place in the school. Furthermore, doing this would not give children an accurate picture of what they can expect their classrooms to look like in September, because the rooms have been reorganized to make safely distanced learning spaces for all the bubbles.


Therefore, each teacher will soon be recording a video message for their new class, to introduce themselves to their new pupils. They will use the video message to answer some of the questions the children may have and to help alleviate any anxiety they might be feeling.

When we return in September, the teachers will then plan activities to recreate a sense of community, to help their pupils settle back in with their friends, and to get back into ’school mode’.


If your child has particular needs, which mean they might require additional support with transition, one of the SENCOs (or your child’s class teacher or designated TA), will be in touch soon to discuss what will be done to support them.



Kind regards,


Darren Stanley
